Project to Disengage Cartels and Necessary Budget

Project to Disengage Cartels and Necessary Budget

In a country where organized crime represents one of the greatest social, economic, and political challenges, it is urgent to implement a project that addresses the roots of the problem. This plan focuses on three key pillars: prevention, economic opportunities, and effective justice.

1. Prevention and Education

Implement community education and awareness programs to reduce cartel influence on younger generations, including:

  • High-quality education with scholarships targeted at vulnerable areas.
  • Workshops on conflict resolution and civic values.
  • Estimated cost per person: $500 MXN per year.

2. Economic Opportunities

Cartels thrive in communities lacking employment. This requires:

  • Encouraging private investment and entrepreneurship projects.
  • Implementing microcredits with accessible rates.
  • Estimated cost per person: $1,200 MXN per year.

3. Justice and Security

Ensure security forces and judicial systems work transparently and effectively through:

  • Training and salary improvements for police officers and judges.
  • Technology to track illicit operations.
  • Estimated cost per person: $800 MXN per year.

Total Budget

Targeting 30 million people in high-risk areas, the annual estimated budget is $75 billion MXN. This cost would be offset by medium-term economic and social benefits.

Expected Impact

The implementation of this plan could significantly reduce the recruitment of new cartel members and improve living conditions in affected communities.

🌐 Sources

  1. – Cartels 2024 – Mexico
  2. – Annual Report on Competition Policy Developments in Mexico
  3. – ICN Cartel Workshop 2024
  4. – Mexico’s Antitrust Agency imposes fines
  5. – Firms and Labor in Times of Violence
  6. – Mexico: Freedom on the Net 2024 Country Report

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